Wednesday, January 16, 2008

313 sings!

a little parody of a perfectly good Baptist hymn, you would recognize as Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Great is thy grumpiness
oh, God - my father -
there is no shame to your turning on me
all you have needed, I've worked at providing
great is thy grumpiness
Lord! unto me

Great is thy grumpiness
Great is thy grumpiness
morning by morning new complaints. I see.
all I once needed, thy hands once provided
Great is thy grumpiness
Lord! unto me

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest
you seek recourses most discomfiting
I and whole household in manifold witness
offer great bearing-with, mercy, and love.

Great is thy grumpiness
Great is thy grumpiness
donut by donut, more crotchet-y-y.
all we have pleaded, they scoff hath retorted
Great is thy grumpiness
so hard to see

Pardon for sins, soon comes peace that endureth
summonsing mem'ry to cheer and to guide
Strength for today and some hope for tomorrow
Blessings will come if we just can abide

Great is thy grumpiness
Great is thy grumpiness
even a wendy's can't placate, we see
all the newspapers from here to perdition...
Great is thy grumpiness
oh Lord, unto we

well. wasn't THAT therapeutic? and a little insight into just WHAT I was doing in all those hours and hours of parochial school and sunday school and what-not.

1 comment:

RLF said...

Angie, I do believe you are honing your song writing skills...I can hear the accordian army in the background...